Tuesday 20 November 2012

6 months later...

Lots of other things that happened, I did not mention. Like the physical abuse I suffered.

To update y'all (no, I didn't really coin terrible "English" from this sorry excuse for a treatment centre...), I am now attending more than full-time studies at a very prestigious Canadian academic institution (Harvard of the North*). I have decided to complete a 4 year degree in 2 years. I am studying a Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences with a Subject Specialization in Neurology and a Minor in Psychology. In the future, I hope to attend an internationally leading school in the UK for joint studies at the Ph.D/M.D level and I hope to continue to pursue neurology as a life long career.

If I had stayed in this program, I would have experienced more abuse, more neglect, and ultimately probably have died from my illness. Now I know that I am an intelligent human being, and I can fight the system. My life will be filled with wonderful, joyous achievements and I am so glad I was able to escape from such an awful situation. I hope that you, who is reading this, makes a good choice for you, for your daughter, for your family member. This is probably not worth it, but that's just my opinion.